Monday, March 1, 2010

Combat obecity with exersize.

There's a soft spot in my heart for anyone who can tackle a persuasive writing exercise on the topic of childhood obesity.

That soft spot is about 100x bigger when the persuasive writer is my daughter, the precocious 11 year old who recently argued in favor of "more recess" to battle the bulge.

I submit Exhibit A: The paper.

My favorite part? The spelling (or misspelling) of obesity. And exercise. Cracked me up to read it, even though her points were right on target.

Typically, her teachers take off points for every single I not dotted or T not crossed. Misspellings are usually flagged with red pen and "minus 1 point" labels. But not this time.

The evidence: Exhibit B.

My guess is the reviewer had the same reaction I did ... and simply said "A for effort!" Now that's persuasive writing, don't you think?