Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I can see clearly now!

It's a coincidence that I had to go to the eye doctor (finally) right around the time of my 44th birthday. These old eyes just aren't what they used to be, much like the rest of me (harumph)!

Ever-so-gradually for about the last 18 months, my vision has been slipping. What once was sharp, fine-tuned, crisp at a distance is now fuzzy, color-blobbish, definitely in need of a tune up ... and what used to be clear as crystal up close has to be pushed out to arm's length just to be decipherable.

Reading glasses helped for a while. But there are only so many strengths you can "graduate" to before you finally say to yourself: "Self, go to the damn eye doctor, for goodness sakes!"

Turns out I am what the good doc calls "a great candidate for monovision contacts." One contact helps you see the distance clearly; the other focuses on the up-close stuff. They've been in my eyes almost two weeks now, and I have to sayI HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS MISSING WITH BLURRY VISION!

Wow, is the detail ever detailed! And I definitely should have had these peeper assistants BEFORE I painted the trim in my house. But that's another story.

There are a few adjustments to get used to when they're in. It's kind of like auto-focus on your camera lens when you switch from up-close work to distance viewing, and your eyes have to more or less train themselves to adjust and focus properly. At first, it was a little disorienting. Now, I hardly notice it.

The pros of my newly focused eyesight:
  • No more searching for a pair of misplaced (or forgotten) readers around the house, at work or at restaurants
  • Fewer headaches from eyestrain
  • And safer driving conditions for me and all those around me

I should have done this a LONG time ago...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dear blank, please blank.

Have you ever been to visit the funny folks at Dear Blank, Please Blank? Today's post made me laugh and spit. And possibly snort.
Dear Ex-Boyfriend,

Remember when I said, "It's not you, it's me"? I lied. It was
definitely you...


You're a Jerk.

Go visit DBPB when you have a chance. Some of their posts are outrageous ... but still good for a nice, big laugh.