Ever-so-gradually for about the last 18 months, my vision has been slipping. What once was sharp, fine-tuned, crisp at a distance is now fuzzy, color-blobbish, definitely in need of a tune up ... and what used to be clear as crystal up close has to be pushed out to arm's length just to be decipherable.
Reading glasses helped for a while. But there are only so many strengths you can "graduate" to before you finally say to yourself: "Self, go to the damn eye doctor, for goodness sakes!"
Turns out I am what the good doc calls "a great candidate for monovision contacts." One contact helps you see the distance clearly; the other focuses on the up-close stuff. They've been in my eyes almost two weeks now, and I have to sayI HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS MISSING WITH BLURRY VISION!
Wow, is the detail ever detailed! And I definitely should have had these peeper assistants BEFORE I painted the trim in my house. But that's another story.
There are a few adjustments to get used to when they're in. It's kind of like auto-focus on your camera lens when you switch from up-close work to distance viewing, and your eyes have to more or less train themselves to adjust and focus properly. At first, it was a little disorienting. Now, I hardly notice it.
The pros of my newly focused eyesight:
- No more searching for a pair of misplaced (or forgotten) readers around the house, at work or at restaurants
- Fewer headaches from eyestrain
- And safer driving conditions for me and all those around me
I should have done this a LONG time ago...
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