Thursday, January 7, 2010

What I learned at Camp Tecumseh

I missed a very special work-related conference and pre-kicked off my 43rd birthday with a trip to Camp Tecumseh near Lafayette with a group of 60 (give or take) rowdy fifth graders.

What a trip! Literally.

The fifth graders learned or refreshed themselves on various leadership and citizenship skills. And I learned a few things, too. Among them:

1. Never let them see you sweat. As in the fifth graders. When you're supremely irritated by the screaming sounds of their youthful voices -- on a bus, in a cabin, at lunch or just in general -- don't let on. Because they sense it, and they get even screamier (yes that's a word) just to see your reaction.

2. Listen. A lot. Because when you do, you learn things. Simple and complex, fifth graders have much wisdom to impart if you take a minute to hear them out. Even when they ramble (as my own is highly capable of doing.) What you'll learn depends on the topic of course. But I found it eye opening to hear what they're thinking about these days ... and willing to share with just about anyone who lends them an ear.

3. Appreciate the moment. There were all kinds of tasks and challenges that the kids had to complete at camp, and when put to the test, I'd venture to guess that 90% of them rose to the occasion. Sure, they were distracted from time to time. And there were a few who just did not want to participate. But when left to their own devices, they began to appreciate the "now" of the moment they were in and worked as teams to accomplish something together. When it was over, they talked about it. And they appreciated each other and the place they were at, both of which made success possible.

Fifth grade teachers should receive triple pay for what they deal with on a daily basis. God bless each and every one of them for tackling pre-tween issues of every shape and variety. It was an awesome experience, even if I came home cold and exhausted. I got to watch my girl do things I would have never tried at her age, for fear of failure or embarrassment.

That was worth it all. The lessons learned were a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. My dh went to Camp Tecumseh when my daughter's class went. It was fuh-reezing -- high temps like 17 degrees. But he loved it as well. Glad you could go. I'm sure Zoe was glad you were there.
