Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am enough.

A blogger I follow recently posted a link to the I Am Enough project as a way of reminding her readers that even when you think "you're the only one feeling this way," you are not alone.

Sometimes I feel like it shouldn't be so damned hard to be happy. Other times, I'm just happy. The ups and downs and ebbs and flows come and go as the months roll by. Frustrating? Yes. But thinking about "I Am Enough" has helped put it in perspective for me on this summer Thursday.

I am grateful for where I've been, what I've learned, how I've grown, what I do and who I have in my life. But I am frequently guilty of questioning whether "all that" is truly enough. Could I do more, give more, live more, love better, work harder, ask for less?

Yes, on all accounts. But then what? Keep doing even more, giving ever more, living more, loving better, working harder and asking for even less?

What I have is enough. Where I am is where I'm supposed to be right now.

I am creating my own story, not letting others create it for me.

That is enough.

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